Y26 D90 13:02

Portable Power Generator DC Rentals

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Y25 D53
Listing type:

Total price:
50,000 cr
TFM average:
0 cr
5.00 (31 reviews)
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Listing Description

Offered by Sweetbriar Engineering, this is for 1 rental use of the Portable Power Generator Datacard per quantity ordered.

SBE is a Private Sector Affiliate of the Rebel Alliance; RA citizens and allies are eligible for discounts. No enemies of the RA are eligible for purchase. Terms apply (see shop terms).

Unlimited use rentals of the Portable Power Generator Datacard are available at 5,000,000 credits per facility or station. If you intend to purchase unlimited use Datacard rentals, please set the order quantity to 100x the number of facilities/stations you wish to receive unlimited uses and make note of the request in order instructions and credit messages.

Please also include any facility or station ID(s) in the order instructions and credit message, and upon placing an order please also send a Darkness message or Discord DM to Fred Python to ensure a swift assignment.