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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Where do I send credits to pay for my orders?
  2. Where can I pick up my orders?
  3. How long before my order is made over?
  4. How long will it take for my order to be ready for pick-up?
  5. I want to make a new order, but can't! Why?
  6. Can I join the Department of Trade?
  7. Who can be a sanctioned middle for the marketplace?
  8. Will use of the blacklists feature constitute discrimination of the sort prohibited by the Terms and Conditions?
  9. Where do I report a bug or problem or suggestion?
  10. I can't access the account of the faction I lead or am the 2iC for.
  11. What can you see when I grant an API permission?

Can't find the answers you're looking for? Don't hesitate to Contact Us.

Where do I send credits to pay for my orders?

During checkout, an automatic link to send your credits to the proper person will appear, along with a message stating whom to send to, in addition to a total price.

Where can I pick up my orders?

All orders are maintained by the person(s) selling them. If it is an shop listing, often the shop information tabs will detail pickup rules and details.

How long before my order is made over? OR How long will it take for my order to be ready for pick-up?

All orders are maintained by the person(s) selling them. If it is an shop listing, often the shop information tabs will detail pickup rules and details.

I want to make a new order, but can't! Why?

There are a number of reasons including an outstanding fine, being blacklisted or having the seller on your blacklist, number of days between orders not passed per the shop's own setting, and possibly others. Please contact us if you feel this is incorrect.

Can I join the Department of Trade?

Most certainly, we are always looking for good workers who are team players! There are multiple ways to contact us via joining Baktoid Armour Workshop, Centurion Arms, or Trade Federation itself and noting that you'd like to join the Department of Trade. Feel free to contact one of us directly also, or join us in #dept-of-trade on Discord!

Who can be a sanctioned middle for the marketplace?

Only middles as approved by the Trade Federation Cabinet may be able to serve as a middle for the public on the Trade Federation Market. Middles are required to be active daily, else will be removed from the available list.

Will use of the blacklists feature constitute discrimination of the sort prohibited by the Terms and Conditions?

No, use of the blacklists is a feature and is not considered discrimination nor prohibited. Reserving a listing is, however, prohibited.

Where do I report a bug, issue or suggestion?

Bugs, Issues, or Suggestions should be posted on our on-site bug base.

I can't access the account of the faction I lead or am the 2iC for.

We require faction leaders and 2iC's to grant the character_read API permission in order to verify that you are who you say you are before granting that user access to your faction account. This helps to protect your faction's reputation as well as being a security measure. You can grant this permission in your TFM account. This is a one-time verification and once you have access to your faction's account, you can revoke the permission in your SWC account settings

What can you see when I grant an API permission?

We recognize that granting some of these permissions can be scary. We provide a handy API viewer that shows you a list of the resources we use and allows you to see what data we receive from that resource. As we add more features relying on resources, we will continue to update this viewer to allow you to see what we can access before we would actually access that data. You can access this viewer in your TFM account. SWC auto-revokes any permissions you've previously granted when you leave a faction.