Order No. 22394: [Killandra Serrin]-[Y26 D123] (#22394)
12x Rifleman
1x YT-2000
1x Bantha II Cargo Skiff
12x A280
12x Tactical Helmet
12x Battle Armour
12x EE-3
Placed on: Y26 D123 01:00:14
Order total: 84,700,000
Purchased from: Riax Tardes
Purchased by: Killandra Serrin
Order No. 22393: [Riax Tardes]-[Y26 D122] (#22393)
1x YT-2000
Placed on: Y26 D122 22:06:06
Order total: 8,000,000
Purchased from: Qijin Aurellius
Purchased by: Riax Tardes
Order No. 22392: [Riax Tardes]-[Y26 D122] (#22392)
1x YT-2000
Placed on: Y26 D122 22:05:43
Order total: 8,000,000
Purchased from: Kraa`gor Jhal (Kraa`gor Sales)
Purchased by: Riax Tardes
Order No. 22391: [Moog Sagu]-[Y26 D122] (#22391)
1x Pelta-class Frigate
Placed on: Y26 D122 18:41:56
Order total: 145,000,000
Purchased from: Qijin Aurellius
Purchased by: Moog Sagu
Order No. 22390: [Daerro Vaam]-[Y26 D122] (#22390)
50x Toscan 8-Q Starfighter Datacard
Placed on: Y26 D122 18:22:52
Order total: 3,750,000
Purchased from: Endless Endeavors (Endless Endeavors)
Purchased by: Daerro Vaam
Order No. 22389: [Rusty Calahan]-[Y26 D122] (#22389)
30x Sysat T-24
Placed on: Y26 D122 18:11:08
Order total: 22,500,000
Purchased from: Black Rock (Black Rock)
Purchased by: Rusty Calahan
Order No. 22388: [John Gates]-[Y26 D122] (#22388)
1x Toolkit
Placed on: Y26 D122 13:08:00
Order total: 50,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade)
Purchased by: John Gates
Order No. 22387: [John Gates]-[Y26 D122] (#22387)
200x Droid Parts
Placed on: Y26 D122 13:04:50
Order total: 2,000,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade)
Purchased by: John Gates
Order No. 22386: [John Gates]-[Y26 D122] (#22386)
100x Droid Parts
1x Probe Droid
1x Knife
Placed on: Y26 D122 13:00:06
Order total: 2,050,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade)
Purchased by: John Gates
Order No. 22385: [Nimm Proga]-[Y26 D122] (#22385)
3x Sysat T-24
Placed on: Y26 D122 12:55:10
Order total: 2,250,000
Purchased from: Black Rock (Black Rock)
Purchased by: Nimm Proga
Order No. 22384: [Nimm Proga]-[Y26 D122] (#22384)
1x Security Control Panel
Placed on: Y26 D122 12:51:01
Order total: 100,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade)
Purchased by: Nimm Proga
Order No. 22383: [Kolomon Seph]-[Y26 D122] (#22383)
3x Beskar Ingot
Placed on: Y26 D122 12:46:23
Order total: 1,000,000,000
Purchased from: Doner Kebab
Purchased by: Kolomon Seph
Order No. 22382: [Moog Sagu]-[Y26 D122] (#22382)
1x YT-1300
Placed on: Y26 D122 09:48:45
Order total: 5,000,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade)
Purchased by: Moog Sagu
Order No. 22381: [Moog Sagu]-[Y26 D122] (#22381)
1x Tactical Helmet
Placed on: Y26 D122 09:38:06
Order total: 75,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade)
Purchased by: Moog Sagu
Order No. 22380: [Moog Sagu]-[Y26 D122] (#22380)
1x YT-510
Placed on: Y26 D122 09:36:55
Order total: 13,000,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade)
Purchased by: Moog Sagu
Order No. 22379: [Moog Sagu]-[Y26 D122] (#22379)
1x Artwork Services
Placed on: Y26 D122 09:35:52
Order total: 25,000,000
Purchased from: Andre Lauche (Angry Rancor Customs)
Purchased by: Moog Sagu
Order No. 22378: [Surizal Jakohr]-[Y26 D121] (#22378)
2x YT-510
Placed on: Y26 D121 21:50:00
Order total: 26,000,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade)
Purchased by: Surizal Jakohr
Order No. 22377: [Fryst Ulfur]-[Y26 D121] (#22377)
250x Bait
Placed on: Y26 D121 17:49:43
Order total: 16,250,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade)
Purchased by: Fryst Ulfur
Order No. 22376: [Tumise Nivix]-[Y26 D121] (#22376)
20x Other Services
Placed on: Y26 D121 15:56:53
Order total: 20,000,000
Purchased from: Eclipse Enterprises (ECLIPSE)
Purchased by: Tumise Nivix
Order No. 22375: [Fryst Ulfur]-[Y26 D121] (#22375)
250x Bait
Placed on: Y26 D121 14:14:54
Order total: 16,250,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade)
Purchased by: Fryst Ulfur
Order No. 22374: [Fryst Ulfur]-[Y26 D121] (#22374)
500x Electronic Lock Breaker
Placed on: Y26 D121 14:12:35
Order total: 25,000,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade)
Purchased by: Fryst Ulfur
Order No. 22373: [Rusty Calahan]-[Y26 D121] (#22373)
1x Brayl-class Bulk Freighter
Placed on: Y26 D121 10:16:20
Order total: 12,000,000
Purchased from: Koensayr Manufacturing (Koensayr Manufacturing)
Purchased by: Rusty Calahan
Order No. 22372: [Koby Navarro]-[Y26 D121] (#22372)
1x Fury-class Imperial Interceptor
Placed on: Y26 D121 07:30:12
Order total: 75,000,000
Purchased from: Alexander Darthmoor
Purchased by: Koby Navarro
Order No. 22371: [Charlie Larson]-[Y26 D121] (#22371)
10x Ship Parts
Placed on: Y26 D121 04:45:25
Order total: 750,000
Purchased from: Eclipse Enterprises (ECLIPSE)
Purchased by: Charlie Larson
Order No. 22370: [Charlie Larson]-[Y26 D121] (#22370)
10x Toolkit
Placed on: Y26 D121 04:45:25
Order total: 500,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade)
Purchased by: Charlie Larson
Order No. 22369: [Filithell Arborin]-[Y26 D120] (#22369)
1x YT-1300
Placed on: Y26 D120 20:35:45
Order total: 5,000,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade)
Purchased by: Filithell Arborin
Order No. 22368: [Ling Reen]-[Y26 D120] (#22368)
1x Raider-class Missile Corvette
Placed on: Y26 D120 06:56:13
Order total: 14,000,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade DS Morobe)
Purchased by: Ling Reen
Order No. 22367: [Ling Reen]-[Y26 D120] (#22367)
1x Raider-class Missile Corvette
Placed on: Y26 D120 06:54:56
Order total: 14,000,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade DS Morobe)
Purchased by: Ling Reen
Order No. 22366: [Nexira Elimus]-[Y26 D120] (#22366)
1x GR-75 Medium Transport
Placed on: Y26 D120 04:42:07
Order total: 18,500,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade)
Purchased by: Nexira Elimus
Order No. 22365: [Solomon Xander]-[Y26 D119] (#22365)
1x Class-A Cargo Container
Placed on: Y26 D119 22:26:10
Order total: 500,000
Purchased from: Corliss & Co. (Corliss & Co. Tatooine)
Purchased by: Solomon Xander
Order No. 22364: [Kaabaam Mekkak]-[Y26 D119] (#22364)
3x Sprint-class Rescue Craft
Placed on: Y26 D119 20:02:33
Order total: 9,750,000
Purchased from: Hoersch-Kessel Drive Inc. (Gordian Reach Authority Sales)
Purchased by: Kaabaam Mekkak
Order No. 22363: [Son-tuul Pride]-[Y26 D119] (#22363)
96x Vulture-class Droid Starfighter
Placed on: Y26 D119 16:36:00
Order total: 38,400,000
Purchased from: The Restored Empire (TRE: Seized & Surplus Property - North)
Purchased by: Son-tuul Pride
Order No. 22362: [Son-tuul Pride]-[Y26 D119] (#22362)
48x Toscan 8-Q Starfighter
Placed on: Y26 D119 16:28:47
Order total: 31,200,000
Purchased from: The Restored Empire (TRE: Seized & Surplus Property - North)
Purchased by: Son-tuul Pride
Order No. 22361: [Baxter Snow]-[Y26 D119] (#22361)
500x Droid Parts
48x Battle Droid
Placed on: Y26 D119 15:42:17
Order total: 17,000,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade)
Purchased by: Baxter Snow
Order No. 22360: [Lan Divar Tyranus]-[Y26 D119] (#22360)
1x Raider-class Missile Corvette
Placed on: Y26 D119 14:07:22
Order total: 14,000,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade)
Purchased by: Lan Divar Tyranus
Order No. 22359: [Lan Divar Tyranus]-[Y26 D119] (#22359)
1x Raider-class Missile Corvette
Placed on: Y26 D119 14:03:23
Order total: 14,000,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade)
Purchased by: Lan Divar Tyranus
Order No. 22358: [Leland Thakkun]-[Y26 D119] (#22358)
187x Holoprojector
Placed on: Y26 D119 13:26:20
Order total: 56,100,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade)
Purchased by: Leland Thakkun
Order No. 22357: [Beelzebub Baker]-[Y26 D119] (#22357)
1x C-3 Passenger Liner
Placed on: Y26 D119 11:43:05
Order total: 37,000,000
Purchased from: Zaapa Baasarab
Purchased by: Beelzebub Baker
Order No. 22356: [Chase Will]-[Y26 D119] (#22356)
1x X-ceptor Ugly
Placed on: Y26 D119 10:49:11
Order total: 250,000
Purchased from: Hoersch-Kessel Drive Inc. (Gordian Reach Authority Sales)
Purchased by: Chase Will
Order No. 22355: [Roorphook Chubbray]-[Y26 D119] (#22355)
1x Gundark
Placed on: Y26 D119 09:53:28
Order total: 85,000,000
Purchased from: Fitz Dantilles
Purchased by: Roorphook Chubbray
Order No. 22354: [Shyxelise Tho]-[Y26 D119] (#22354)
1x Artwork Services
Placed on: Y26 D119 08:11:11
Order total: 25,000,000
Purchased from: Andre Lauche (Angry Rancor Customs)
Purchased by: Shyxelise Tho
Order No. 22353: [Gar Bryne]-[Y26 D119] (#22353)
1x YT-510
Placed on: Y26 D119 07:23:05
Order total: 13,000,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade)
Purchased by: Gar Bryne
Order No. 22352: [Cataldo Blackstar]-[Y26 D119] (#22352)
6x Z-95 Headhunter
Placed on: Y26 D119 05:35:56
Order total: 7,200,000
Purchased from: Ini Kedi (Kedi's Salvage Yard)
Purchased by: Cataldo Blackstar
Order No. 22351: [Cataldo Blackstar]-[Y26 D119] (#22351)
1x YT-1300
1x Bantha II Cargo Skiff
12x Rifleman
12x T-21 Light Repeating Blaster
12x Battle Armour
12x Tactical Helmet
12x Riot Shield
Placed on: Y26 D119 05:32:38
Order total: 23,200,000
Purchased from: Riax Tardes
Purchased by: Cataldo Blackstar
Order No. 22350: [Surizal Jakohr]-[Y26 D118] (#22350)
1x Nightstinger
Placed on: Y26 D118 16:11:17
Order total: 35,000,000
Purchased from: Doner Kebab
Purchased by: Surizal Jakohr
Order No. 22349: [Jarneskeg Yrfeloran]-[Y26 D118] (#22349)
1x CR-90 Corvette
Placed on: Y26 D118 00:15:04
Order total: 18,000,000
Purchased from: Octavian Sextus Neutronus (Corellian Panther)
Purchased by: Jarneskeg Yrfeloran
Order No. 22348: [Jarneskeg Yrfeloran]-[Y26 D117] (#22348)
1x GS-100 Salvage Ship
Placed on: Y26 D117 22:49:26
Order total: 12,000,000
Purchased from: Mato Walignat (Pirate Ship Shop - Repair & Salvage)
Purchased by: Jarneskeg Yrfeloran
Order No. 22347: [Filithell Arborin]-[Y26 D117] (#22347)
1x Warlord Heavy Cruiser
Placed on: Y26 D117 22:01:26
Order total: 7,500,000
Purchased from: Olav Bjornson
Purchased by: Filithell Arborin
Order No. 22346: [Marc Farstan]-[Y26 D117] (#22346)
1x Heavy Battle Armour
1x Heavy Battle Helmet
1x Class-A Cargo Container
1x Force Robe
1x Escape Pod
1x Horizon-class Star Yacht
Placed on: Y26 D117 21:25:30
Order total: 94,000,000
Purchased from: Gar Bryne (Mythosaur Art Gallery)
Purchased by: Marc Farstan
Order No. 22345: [Jensen Odama]-[Y26 D117] (#22345)
30x MediKit
50x Slave Collar
10x R4 Series Astromech
20x R2 Series Astromech
30x 3PO Protocol Droid
50x Small Backpack
25x Belt
10x R5 Series Astromech
10x Datapad
10x WED-Series 'Treadwell'
50x Ship Parts
50x Mask
Placed on: Y26 D117 15:14:02
Order total: 38,350,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade)
Purchased by: Jensen Odama
Order No. 22344: [Joqu Mir]-[Y26 D117] (#22344)
2x Warlord Heavy Cruiser
Placed on: Y26 D117 14:20:12
Order total: 9,000,000
Purchased from: Octavian Sextus Neutronus (Corellian Panther)
Purchased by: Joqu Mir
Order No. 22343: [Areoli Quetza]-[Y26 D117] (#22343)
1x Modular Conveyor
Placed on: Y26 D117 04:29:55
Order total: 8,500,000
Purchased from: Rendili StarDrive (Rendili StarDrive Sales)
Purchased by: Areoli Quetza
Order No. 22342: [Thion Roseland]-[Y26 D117] (#22342)
3x SS-54 Assault Ship
Placed on: Y26 D117 01:04:16
Order total: 7,500,000
Purchased from: Gar Bryne (Mythosaur Art Gallery)
Purchased by: Thion Roseland
Order No. 22341: [Thion Roseland]-[Y26 D116] (#22341)
1x Crusader-class Corvette
Placed on: Y26 D116 23:07:26
Order total: 175,000,000
Purchased from: Trik Kuh`runi
Purchased by: Thion Roseland
Order No. 22340: [Rand Tarad]-[Y26 D116] (#22340)
1x BTL-S3 Y-wing Starfighter
Placed on: Y26 D116 14:54:52
Order total: 1,250,000
Purchased from: Galactic Bank (Galactic Bank Ansion Depot)
Purchased by: Rand Tarad
Order No. 22339: [Han Bo]-[Y26 D116] (#22339)
8x Hover Tank
Placed on: Y26 D116 13:18:31
Order total: 120,000,000
Purchased from: Thion Roseland (FarRose Industries)
Purchased by: Han Bo
Order No. 22338: [Javrax Scarba]-[Y26 D116] (#22338)
1x Hammerhead-class Cruiser
Placed on: Y26 D116 09:10:53
Order total: 20,000,000
Purchased from: Rendili StarDrive (Rendili StarDrive Sales)
Purchased by: Javrax Scarba
Order No. 22337: [Aiden Voss]-[Y26 D116] (#22337)
6x Varium
511x Durelium
Placed on: Y26 D116 08:58:52
Order total: 1,558,200
Purchased from: Subduco Syndicate (Subduco Mining Syndicate)
Purchased by: Aiden Voss
Order No. 22336: [Surizal Jakohr]-[Y26 D116] (#22336)
1x Medic
1x Scout
Placed on: Y26 D116 07:12:40
Order total: 1,000,000
Purchased from: Eron Reckoniss (Kricketune Services)
Purchased by: Surizal Jakohr
Order No. 22335: [Calatan Cahn]-[Y26 D116] (#22335)
1x Artwork Services
Placed on: Y26 D116 06:55:49
Order total: 250,000
Purchased from: Varek Xaytz (Deep Space Discoveries)
Purchased by: Calatan Cahn
Order No. 22334: [Fryst Ulfur]-[Y26 D115] (#22334)
500x Electronic Lock Breaker
Placed on: Y26 D115 16:18:19
Order total: 25,000,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade)
Purchased by: Fryst Ulfur
Order No. 22333: [Daerro Vaam]-[Y26 D115] (#22333)
1x SS-54 Assault Ship
Placed on: Y26 D115 14:57:26
Order total: 6,000,000
Purchased from: Rin Bossk (RB Shop)
Purchased by: Daerro Vaam
Order No. 22332: [Gar Bryne]-[Y26 D115] (#22332)
1x Tactical Helmet
Placed on: Y26 D115 11:42:45
Order total: 75,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade)
Purchased by: Gar Bryne
Order No. 22331: [John Gates]-[Y26 D115] (#22331)
1x Arquitens-class Light Cruiser
Placed on: Y26 D115 10:57:19
Order total: 19,500,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade DS Alderaan)
Purchased by: John Gates
Order No. 22330: [Andre Lauche]-[Y26 D115] (#22330)
1x C2-R4
1x Escape Pod
Placed on: Y26 D115 07:07:07
Order total: 12,000,000
Purchased from: Gar Bryne (Mythosaur Art Gallery)
Purchased by: Andre Lauche
Order No. 22329: [Gellert von Falkenstein]-[Y26 D115] (#22329)
2x A280 Datacard
Placed on: Y26 D115 04:12:18
Order total: 16,000,000
Purchased from: Centurion Arms (Centurion Arms - Datacards)
Purchased by: Gellert von Falkenstein
Order No. 22328: [Subduco Syndicate]-[Y26 D115] (#22328)
2x A280 Datacard
Placed on: Y26 D115 04:11:50
Order total: 16,000,000
Purchased from: Centurion Arms (Centurion Arms - Datacards)
Purchased by: Subduco Syndicate
Order No. 22327: [Thel Potestas]-[Y26 D114] (#22327)
1x Trading I
Placed on: Y26 D114 12:10:17
Order total: 13,500,000
Purchased from: Ran Sode
Purchased by: Thel Potestas
Order No. 22326: [Falleen Federation: Exotics Inc.]-[Y26 D114] (#22326)
6x X10 Patrol Groundcruiser
Placed on: Y26 D114 05:33:53
Order total: 6,000,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade)
Purchased by: Falleen Federation: Exotics Inc.
Order No. 22325: [Calatan Cahn]-[Y26 D113] (#22325)
6x Toscan 8-Q Starfighter
Placed on: Y26 D113 19:20:00
Order total: 5,700,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade DS Morobe)
Purchased by: Calatan Cahn
Order No. 22324: [Calatan Cahn]-[Y26 D113] (#22324)
2x 2X-3KPR
4x Hover Transport TC9
1x Kettrifee Air Mover
1x YV-666 Light Freighter
6x WED-Series 'Treadwell'
2x Sysat T-24
12x Bacta Refill
Placed on: Y26 D113 19:20:00
Order total: 29,640,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade)
Purchased by: Calatan Cahn
Order No. 22323: [Dane Star]-[Y26 D113] (#22323)
25x Electronic Lock Breaker Datacard
Placed on: Y26 D113 14:56:43
Order total: 5,000,000
Purchased from: Merr-Sonn Technologies (Merr-Sonn Technologies Datacard Library)
Purchased by: Dane Star
Order No. 22322: [Mongo Fershur]-[Y26 D113] (#22322)
17x Toolkit
Placed on: Y26 D113 14:33:49
Order total: 807,500
Purchased from: Black Rock (Black Rock)
Purchased by: Mongo Fershur
Order No. 22321: [Andon Knight]-[Y26 D113] (#22321)
1x Raider-class Missile Corvette
Placed on: Y26 D113 14:18:34
Order total: 13,500,000
Purchased from: Octavian Sextus Neutronus (Corellian Panther)
Purchased by: Andon Knight
Order No. 22320: [The Ashla Covenant]-[Y26 D113] (#22320)
4x CR-90 Corvette Datacard
Placed on: Y26 D113 13:45:21
Order total: 32,000,000
Purchased from: Krath Empire (Krath Imperial Quartermaster)
Purchased by: The Ashla Covenant
Order No. 22319: [Rand Tarad]-[Y26 D113] (#22319)
2x Kettrifee Air Mover
Placed on: Y26 D113 13:30:37
Order total: 7,000,000
Purchased from: Galactic Bank (Galactic Bank Ansion Depot)
Purchased by: Rand Tarad
Order No. 22318: [William Colonel]-[Y26 D113] (#22318)
2x T-6 Shuttle
Placed on: Y26 D113 11:42:07
Order total: 7,000,000
Purchased from: Octavian Sextus Neutronus (Corellian Panther)
Purchased by: William Colonel
Order No. 22317: [Revanche Kantale]-[Y26 D113] (#22317)
12x Riot Shield
12x Battle Armour
9x Tactical Helmet
Placed on: Y26 D113 11:24:10
Order total: 1,800,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade)
Purchased by: Revanche Kantale
Order No. 22316: [Ran Sode]-[Y26 D113] (#22316)
12x Rifleman
12x Tactical Helmet
12x Custom Item
12x Bryar Rifle
12x C-M Frag Storm Heavy Shotgun
12x Battle Armour
Placed on: Y26 D113 10:41:16
Order total: 25,000,000
Purchased from: Son-tuul Pride (Son-Tuul Pride Arms Emporium)
Purchased by: Ran Sode
Order No. 22315: [Son-tuul Pride]-[Y26 D113] (#22315)
84x R-41 Starchaser
Placed on: Y26 D113 06:12:47
Order total: 81,900,000
Purchased from: Koensayr Manufacturing (Koensayr Manufacturing)
Purchased by: Son-tuul Pride
Order No. 22314: [Zelcon Ricosi]-[Y26 D113] (#22314)
4x I-BEAM Starfighter
Placed on: Y26 D113 00:12:29
Order total: 3,000,000
Purchased from: Black Rock (Black Rock)
Purchased by: Zelcon Ricosi
Order No. 22313: [Camja SohRohm]-[Y26 D112] (#22313)
1x Delta-class JV-7 Escort Shuttle
Placed on: Y26 D112 23:17:46
Order total: 1,700,000
Purchased from: Galain Quin
Purchased by: Camja SohRohm
Order No. 22312: [Camja SohRohm]-[Y26 D112] (#22312)
1x Delta-class JV-7 Escort Shuttle
Placed on: Y26 D112 23:16:30
Order total: 1,700,000
Purchased from: Galain Quin
Purchased by: Camja SohRohm
Order No. 22311: [Galen McGruff]-[Y26 D112] (#22311)
1x Arquitens-class Light Cruiser
Placed on: Y26 D112 23:10:03
Order total: 15,000,000
Purchased from: Babel (Diddly Squat Robot Shop)
Purchased by: Galen McGruff
Order No. 22310: [Galen McGruff]-[Y26 D112] (#22310)
1x EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigate
Placed on: Y26 D112 23:10:03
Order total: 19,000,000
Purchased from: Hoersch-Kessel Drive Inc. (Gordian Reach Authority Sales)
Purchased by: Galen McGruff
Order No. 22309: [Vas Felix]-[Y26 D112] (#22309)
1x Emitter Control
Placed on: Y26 D112 23:03:10
Order total: 75,000,000
Purchased from: Scott Hall (Deep Space Palace)
Purchased by: Vas Felix
Order No. 22308: [Thylar Davarian]-[Y26 D112] (#22308)
1x Discril-class Attack Cruiser
Placed on: Y26 D112 22:03:06
Order total: 100,000,000
Purchased from: Gar Bryne (Mythosaur Art Gallery)
Purchased by: Thylar Davarian
Order No. 22307: [Filithell Arborin]-[Y26 D112] (#22307)
342x Ardanium
Placed on: Y26 D112 20:19:47
Order total: 420,660
Purchased from: Phoenix Salvage (Phoenix Salvage Sales)
Purchased by: Filithell Arborin
Order No. 22306: [Kaabaam Mekkak]-[Y26 D112] (#22306)
1x BFF-1 Bulk Freighter
Placed on: Y26 D112 18:33:47
Order total: 17,000,000
Purchased from: Black Rock (Black Rock)
Purchased by: Kaabaam Mekkak
Order No. 22305: [Wynk Waawat]-[Y26 D112] (#22305)
1x Power Supply
Placed on: Y26 D112 12:33:40
Order total: 55,000,000
Purchased from: Ran Sode
Purchased by: Wynk Waawat
Order No. 22304: [Ling Reen]-[Y26 D112] (#22304)
1x Fury-class Imperial Interceptor
Placed on: Y26 D112 11:33:18
Order total: 85,000,000
Purchased from: Surizal Jakohr
Purchased by: Ling Reen
Order No. 22303: [Ak Veh`rum]-[Y26 D111] (#22303)
51x Ship Parts
Placed on: Y26 D111 20:34:24
Order total: 3,824,949
Purchased from: Subduco Syndicate (Subduco Syndicate Industries)
Purchased by: Ak Veh`rum
Order No. 22302: [The Ashla Covenant]-[Y26 D111] (#22302)
4x CR-90 Corvette Datacard
Placed on: Y26 D111 17:22:07
Order total: 32,000,000
Purchased from: Krath Empire (Krath Imperial Quartermaster)
Purchased by: The Ashla Covenant
Order No. 22301: [Crale Groman]-[Y26 D111] (#22301)
1x Colossal-class Heavy Carrier
Placed on: Y26 D111 15:40:01
Order total: 48,000,000
Purchased from: Babel (Diddly Squat Robot Shop)
Purchased by: Crale Groman
Order No. 22300: [Nexira Elimus]-[Y26 D111] (#22300)
1x BX-series Commando Droid
Placed on: Y26 D111 15:24:34
Order total: 10,000,000
Purchased from: Black Rock (Black Rock)
Purchased by: Nexira Elimus
Order No. 22299: [Nexira Elimus]-[Y26 D111] (#22299)
1x BX-series Commando Droid
Placed on: Y26 D111 15:18:40
Order total: 11,000,000
Purchased from: ReGor Long-Tusk
Purchased by: Nexira Elimus
Order No. 22298: [Lucaeron Blackfyre]-[Y26 D111] (#22298)
1x X7 Factory Station
Placed on: Y26 D111 13:20:28
Order total: 45,000,000
Purchased from: Axel Draconis (Krayts Claw)
Purchased by: Lucaeron Blackfyre
Order No. 22297: [Driza Lar]-[Y26 D111] (#22297)
12x Toscan 8-Q Starfighter
Placed on: Y26 D111 10:10:24
Order total: 8,400,000
Purchased from: Deep Automation Mining Nexus (Deep Automation Mining Nexus Inventory Tracker)
Purchased by: Driza Lar
Order No. 22296: [Mato Walignat]-[Y26 D111] (#22296)
36x Cloakshape Fighter Datacard
Placed on: Y26 D111 08:27:15
Order total: 1,080,000
Purchased from: Kuat Drive Yards (Kuat Drive Yards - Datacards)
Purchased by: Mato Walignat
Order No. 22295: [Krovikan Sengir]-[Y26 D111] (#22295)
20x Toolkit
10x WED-Series 'Treadwell'
Placed on: Y26 D111 07:51:44
Order total: 2,500,000
Purchased from: Mecrosa (Mecrotica Trade)
Purchased by: Krovikan Sengir