Y26 D123 00:39

Thief List

The persons, factions, and NFGs listed on this page are recognized by the Trade Federation Market (TFM) as have committed acts detrimental and against the Trade Federation's Commerce Code, any codes associated with or otherwise adopted by the Trade Federation as applicable to the practice of trading or exchange of goods. Such persons are automatically added to the blacklists of the Trade Federation's factions and whichever blacklists have enabled auto-adding.

Processes exist to be removed from this list, and can be found as updated within the Trade Federation's Commerce Code.


Adrian OwenLooting of TF vendor Byblos Drive Yards
Alexander Blackforge
Damyo KruderThief
Darin ByrchThief
Echinsu Ocha
Elegos Ryder
Exanthium Kerensky
Gyra FallonThief
Joi Belos
Mitth WakeThief
Ralph Maximus
Skye SarnThief
Tomas O`CuinnTheft
Tsin VusThief