Merr-Sonn Technologies
Shop Location: Malicar (94,402)
Shop Description:The Trade Federation Market shop of Merr-Sonn Technologies is the central point for all sales of Ships, Vehicles, and Droids by the Black Sun Collective outside of our designated Vendors. For any assets located at our deep space sales point micro jumping from the Malicar system is advised to most efficiently access your purchases assets.
For questions or discounts on larger orders feel free to contact Thrall Lotbhrok
Up to date trade information can be found on the Black Sun Bazaar Discord Server:
Shop Terms:1. We don't accept the use of middles.
1.a. Credits sent to any faction or persons other than Merr-Sonn Technologies will be considered donations.
2. Discounted sales must be discussed with and purchased externally, all purchases made through the Trade Federation Market are for the value listed regardless of external discussions.
3. When Purchasing DC's the ID's must be DM'd either through darkness or discord to Thrall Lothbrok and you must specify whether it is for a factory or station.
4. All IU members recieve a 5% discount on all orders
4.a. Proof of membership may be required to claim this discount
5. All Black Sun members recieve a 5% discount on all orders
5.a. All Black Sun members of Family rank or higher recieve a 10% discount on all orders
5.b. Only one discount may be applied per purchase, for individuals qualifying for multiple discounts only the highest one will be used.