Y26 D90 03:30

Son-Tuul Pride Arms Emporium

Shop Location: Asteroid Field MK 96-3L (96, -3) (96,-3)
Shop Description:
Welcome to Son-Tuul Pride Arms Empo! My name is Ari Onone. Welcome to the Son-Tuul Pride Arms Emporium Vendor, your gateway to illicit arms sales by the Son-Tuul Pride. Located within the Scoundrels Vortex, an open haven for the underworld bypassing trade bans and blacklists. Discover custom armor sets, crafted by black market developers. Gear up for the clandestine battles of the galaxy at our exclusive establishment.

If you wish to acquire full armor sets and weapons, you can visit our vendor here: https://www.swcombine.com/members/vendor/view.php?vendorID=1444
Shop Terms:
We are members of the underworld, we do not believe in trade bans or blacklists.