Y26 D90 04:11

Kether Gas Extractions

Shop Location: Kether System (97,-131)
Shop Description:
Kether Gas Extractions (KGE) is a private extraction company located in the Kether System. Our company’s primary mission is to extract the plentiful amounts of tibanna gas found in the upper atmosphere of the planet Kether. This is accomplished using the most up-to-date gas mining techniques and procedures. Even though KGE primarily specializes in tibanna gas, our company also specializes in the extraction of other materials as well. These materials are sold in bulk to our customers at very affordable prices.
Shop Terms:
All of our sales must be paid within two days, and you will have 60 days once purchased to pick up the order. Orders that are not picked up without any type of communication or agreement to extend this time will be returned to the market, and your payment will be forfeited. The location for picking up your order will be the following coordinates:

Sector: Foless
System: Kether (97, -131)
System Coordinates (10, 11)

*Please coordinate pick up of your order and provide us with an ETA, so we can ensure to have an active operator at the location to load your ship. Failure to do this can result in significant delays. Help us serve you in a timely manner. Your POC for arranging pick up will be Jett Blackheart.