Mecrotica Trade Hevvrol
Shop Location: Hevvrol Sector near Cularin (-120,161)
Shop Description:**Same Shop New Location**
The Mecrotica Trade Hevvrol shop is operated by Mecrosa, which is the public face of the Mecrotica Conglomerate, providing first-class trading services and retail sales to the entire galaxy. This shop is dedicated exclusively to ship sales.
Ships sold from the Mecrotica Trade Hevvrol shop are currently not eligible to be loaded with orders from other Mecrotica Trade Shops. We appreciate your understanding. Thank you!
Shop Terms:All trades with Mecrotica Trade Hevvol are handled by Mecrosa. All credits shall be sent to Mecrosa immediately upon purchase. Galactic Bank credit transfers are also accepted.
Please allow one (1) to four (4) days for order makeover.
Pickup, unless otherwise specified, will be at Mecrotica Trade Hevvol, located within the Hevvol sector near the Cularin system at galactic coordinates (-120,161).
Sorry, but we can not accept returns once made over.