Y26 D90 04:24

Rebel Alliance Sales

Shop Location: Sluis (48, -380) (12,4)
Shop Description:
Rebel Alliance sells the following items:

GRZ-6B Wrecker
TIE-wing Ugly
X-ceptor Ugly
Y-TIE Ugly
C-wing Ugly
EVS Construction Droid

We also provide recycling services, and may be willing to buy ship and vehicle wrecks, Please contact Luuda Kusaak for this.

Any sales questions can be send to Wesley OyKi.
Shop Terms:
We do not sell to anyone from the New Republic Trade Ban List, or from the Known scammers list.

Payments will need to be send to Rebel Alliance before your order will be processed.
Please allow up to 48h for your order to be processed upon sending credits.

Please pickup your purchased goods within a month.
If you need longer then this, please contact Wesley OyKi