Y26 D68 09:45

2 Pelagias and 1 Chela in Dalisor NEW!

Y26 D65
Listing type:
Single Sale

Total price:
7,500,000 cr
TFM average:
0 cr
5.00 (1 reviews)
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Listing Description

System: Dalisor (-50, -297)
System Position: (6, 3)

Hull: 247 / 250
Shield: 180 / 180
Ionic: 90 / 90

Hull: 250 / 250
Shield: 180 / 180
Ionic: 90 / 90

Hull: 18 / 45
Shield: 10 / 10
Ionic: 10 / 10

The squad has inside 9 npcs riflemen lvl 1-6 with typical darkness spawn npc fitout (macrobinoculars, bodyguard armor, tactical helmets, small bagpacks and bryar rifles and pistols for each one.