Y26 D90 03:54

MC-30b @ Krylon, Gordian Reach

Complete - Ready to Fly

Y25 D131
Listing type:

Total price:
25,000,000 cr
TFM average:
0 cr
4.97 (74 reviews)
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Listing Description

Ships located at Krylon (198, 282), Gordian Reach Sector. The ships are undocked, undamaged and as per HKD policy: complete and in space for your convenience and protection.

We pride ourselves on providing you ships that are easily accessible without worrying about shields and access so this ship is good to go for your needs.

Brought to you from The Gordian Reach. The Reach is a neutral sector, in which every being in the galaxy is safe from arrest or persecution as long as you agree to do no harm against its citizens. Come hang out on Discord with us for fun chat, and huggles https://discord.gg/gsPRX8S

Buyers send first to Hoersch-Kessel Drive Inc.

Listing Items

1x MC-30b Corvette