Y26 D90 03:13

Koensayr Colossal Carrier Variant

Vahaba Asteroid Belt 140,260

Y24 D54
Listing type:

Total price:
65,000,000 cr
Sale price:
58,500,000 cr
TFM average:
0 cr
4.99 (169 reviews)
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Listing Description

Koensayr Manufacturing was proud to be the first company in the galaxy to offer the Colossal Heavy Carrier to the general public. Don't trust just any manufacturer to build your Colossal, trust the company that designed it. When it's time to service your Colossal, bring it home to Koensayr. Don't open your engine bay to strangers.

All Koensayr Colossal Heavy Carriers are equipped with:

Custom Exterior, Large and Small
Koensayr Exclusive Licensed Bridge Image (Optional)
Combine Immersion Project Docking Bay / Hangar (Optional)