Want to build a Zoo Station, but don't have a info faction? We have you covered. Simply have one of your members hop over to The Legacy of Ithor. We'll expedite their ordination as a Jungle Priest Novitiate, so they can properly bless your station. We grant them station building permissions, and you provide the RM's and workers. It's like a DC rental, if they made DCs for space stations. Once construction is started, we'll make the station over to you. Easy as pie.
Zoo Stations are a critical part of every civilized system. What better way to show off your creature collection, while contributing to the education of younglings? If you're looking to make your system one of the greats, a zoo station is a must-have.
Please specify in your “Delivery Instructions” the name of the faction member you plan to send to join The Legacy of Ithor. If you're looking for a full-service construction, check out our other listings!
1x Zoo Station Datacard |