We finally bring to you two of the most frequent requests, it's now easier to log in and to stay logged! Don't worry, the logout button is still there.
New Features
- API Registration and Login: It is now possible to register and log into the site using API. It is still possible to log into existing accounts using your credentials (username and password).
- Cart Cargo Calculations: Your cart will now display a total weight/volume for you.
- Datacards and RMs sub-categories: The menu for Datacards and RMs now split into subcategories to help your search.
- Quick links for entities: two links have been added next to entity names, one to get a list of all listings containing that entity, the other to go to the price index page.
- Fixed an issue with faction sync. Changes of leadership should be detected automatically now.
Other Changes
- Session duration has been increased. A lot. Make sure to log out if you're no longer using the website on a shared device.